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August 2, 2004
CVSNT 2.0.51a (Saturday 31st July 2004)
版权声明:可以任意转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明。 https://windtear.net/archives/2004/08/02/000524.html cvsnt 在很多方面优于cvs CVSNT was started as a conversion of cvs pserver for NT. It has since been greatly improved and is now available under Windows and Unix/Linux. CVSNT is Open Source, Free software licensed under the GNU [WWW]General Public License. * Authentication via all standard CVS protocols, plus Windows specific SSPI and Active Directory Secure transport support via sserver or encrypted SSPI Cross platform: Runs in Windows or *nix environments NT version is fully integrated with Win32 system. MergePoint processing means no more tagging to merge! Under active development See CvsntAdvantages for more. Download It is recommended that new users download a 2.0.x (stable) build. It is your responsibility to comply with local laws regarding import/export of software containing strong encryption. Please read the Release Notes if you are upgrading a stable release. Most stable recent version: CVSNT 2.0.51a (Saturday 31st July 2004) http://www.cvsnt.org/cvsnt.rss
Estimated stability: 5 - Stable [WWW]Archived older versions of cvsnt Snapshots Compiled Snapshots of cvs tree taken each night and automatically uploaded. [WWW]Binaries (1,144KB) (Monday 2nd August 2004) [WWW]Archived older versions of cvsnt CVSNT's documentation is based on CVS but has some notable differences. Some of the documentation is not fully up to date. If you have any questions, the best source of information is this wiki and the CVSNT mail list You are encouraged to contribute to this documentation. If you are modifying an existing entry, please make sure you also fill in the comment field explaining the change. * ReadMe: The current CVSNT readme file (also ReadmeJp in Japanese) HistoryPage: The history of CVSNT as it happens Getting Started * InstallationTips: Beginners guide to CVSNT (based on the [WWW]Original Installation Tips, by Bo Berglund) SetAcl: Details on setting up CVSNT with NTFS groups and file permissions InstallationLinux: Brief guide to setting up CVSNT on a Linux/Unix system. [WWW]CVSNT Installation for Windows by Devguy User Guides * CvsCommand: CVSNT command reference ThirdPartyTools: A list of some third party tools available to work with CVSNT. [WWW]CVSNT Reference Manual [WWW]Open Source Development with CVS, The definitive guide to CVS development - old but an excellent introduction based on the original CVS Getting Help * Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) [WWW]Email List: General support and help for users of cvsnt (also available via [NEWS]support.cvsnt News gateway) Bug Database Contributing * Read AboutCvsntWiki to find out about Wikis and how you can contribute. We need technical writers to help clean up this wiki and update the documentation. For Developers * [WWW]The CVS Client/Server Protocol LockServerProtocol: The CVSNT Lock Server Protocol Also read AboutCvsntWiki to find out about Wikis and how you can contribute. Most development goes on in the CVSNT_2_0_x branch, and this is where the unstable/stable releases are built from. The HEAD branch contains the latest experimental code, mostly untested. Browse the entire [WWW]Repository. Anonymous CVS access is provided. To check out use: cvs -d :sserver:cvs@cvs.cvsnt.org:/usr/local/cvs login ..or cvs -d :pserver:cvs@cvs.cvsnt.org:/usr/local/cvs login Other dependencies * [WWW]Runtime libraries used by all versions (2,149KB) [WWW]MIT Kerberos 1.2.6 precompiled (.zip) (263KB) (Required to rebuild cvsnt w/kerberos) [WWW]MIT Kerberos 1.2.6 source (.tar.gz) (5,360KB) [WWW]OpenSSL 0.9.7d compiled for Win32 (required to build sserver protocol) Mailing Lists There are four mailing lists provided: * [WWW]cvsnt: General support and help for users of cvsnt [WWW]cvsnt-dev: Development and future plans for 2.1.x branch [WWW]cvsnt-commits: Track commits to cvsnt development tree [WWW]cvsnt-bugs: Bug status reports Alternatively, they can be accessed via News: * [NEWS]support.cvsnt: General support and help for users of cvsnt [NEWS]cvsnt-dev: Development and future plans for 2.1.x branch [NEWS]support.cvsnt-commits: Track commits to cvsnt development tree [NEWS]support.cvsnt-bugs: Bug status reports Related Links * [WWW]Unix CVS home page [WWW]An explanation of the 'DST Bug' and what is done to solve it [WWW]Setting up an OpenSSH server on Windows [WWW]cacert.org - The Free Certificate Authority [WWW]March hare software MoinMoin Powered 本页不可更改 (上次由TonyHoyle编辑了2004-07-31 23:19:41次) 查找页面 , 寻找标题 , 全文检索 或 SiteNavigation 或使用下列功能: AttachFile, DeletePage, LikePages, LocalSiteMap, SpellCheck -----> |
Posted by windtear at August 2, 2004 10:27 AM