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July 29, 2004

今天批一下 Cricket (01)


必须承认 在这个领域 当初我刚看到它还以为有些搞头
不管是因为我英语烂 还是人家吹牛水平高

总之 Cricket 是让我很是失望 甚至想唾骂一下

就像政治一样 总算 Cricket 还没站错队
MRTG 的作者 Tobi Oetiker 倾情演绎的 RRDTool 自然有其超级奥妙

Cricket 自己也说 没有 RRD 的支持 Cricket 就是一堆垃圾

Cricket 基于 Perl 自己提供了一堆 module  比较烦杂
和别的project整合也不很模块化 因此批一下 是为01


Cricket Home

About Cricket

Cricket is a high performance, extremely flexible system for monitoring trends in time-series data. Cricket was expressly developed to help network managers visualize and understand the traffic on their networks, but it can be used all kinds of other jobs, as well.

Cricket has two components, a collector and a grapher. The collector runs from cron every 5 minutes (or at a different rate, if you want), and stores data into a datastructure managed by RRD Tool. Later, when you want to check on the data you have collected, you can use a web-based interface to view graphs of the data.

Cricket reads a set of config files called a config tree. The config tree expresses everything Cricket needs to know about the types of data to be collected, how to get it, and from which targets it should collect data. The config tree is designed to minimize redundant information, making it compact and easy to manage, and preventing silly mistakes from occurring due to copy-and-paste errors.

Cricket is written entirely in Perl and is distributed under the GNU General Public License.

----->   当前版本  1.0.4
Cricket 1.0.4
All final releases of Cricket are available on the Sourceforge download server.


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Posted by windtear at July 29, 2004 9:57 PM

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