proxy.ipcn.org:3128 (Authorization Required)
关键词 (free proxy) 搜索 排第 1
http://www.baidu.com/baidu?word=free+proxy&lm=0&si=&rn=10&tn=baidu &ie=gb2312&ct=0&cl=3&f=1
关键词 (free proxy server) 搜索 排第 2
http://www.baidu.com/baidu?word=free+proxy+server&lm=0&si=&rn=10&tn=baidu &ie=gb2312&ct=0&cl=3&f=1
关键词 (免费代理) 搜索 排第 21
http://www.baidu.com/baidu?lm=0&si=&rn=10&tn=baidu&ie=gb2312&ct=0 &word=%C3%E2%B7%D1%B4%FA%C0%ED&pn=20&cl=3
2002-09-15 ~
日均处理请求超过百万次 (http://proxy.ipcn.org/usage/)
Windtear's Free Proxy Server
Period covered by these statistics: 2 days (21 Dec 2003 - 22 Dec 2003)
Total requests handled this day: 1,086,212
Requests Satisfied by the cache: 519,196
Requests Proxied 567,016
Total number of requests served: 1,086,212 ***
Bytes sent for cache requests: 1,611,889,983
Bytes sent for proxy requests: 6,454,962,828
Total number of bytes sent: 8,066,852,811 ***
Cache Hit Rate
Requests: 47.80%
Bytes: 19.98%
Number of Mb sent by this server: 7693.15
Number of hosts using this server: 1,684
Average number of requests/day: 543,106
Average number of requests/hour: 43448.48
Average number of requests/minute: 724.14
发信人: picasso2001 (风雨过后,何日彩虹), 信区: NetResources
标 题: [合集] 热烈庆祝 proxy.ipcn.org 连续稳定运行一年~
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Thu Nov 13 09:46:53 2003), 站内
windtear (看成败 人生豪迈) 于 (Fri Nov 7 01:41:58 2003) 提到:
2002-09-15 第一次公开,一周后"关闭"
2002-11-07 再次公开,至今连续稳定运行一年:)
记录: 精华区 x->3->8->7
-> 3 [目录] 资源分类
-> 8 [目录] 代理资源
-> 7 [文件] [代理] 访问 http://proxy.ipcn.org/
发信人: CrazyKid (疯狂小子※爱学习/爱生活), 信区: NetResources
标 题: [代理] 访问 http://proxy.ipcn.org/ 获得代理
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Thu Nov 7 01:24:19 2002), 站内信件