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September 13, 2006

安装 MovableType MT-3.32



mv MT-3.32 cgi/cgi-bin
cd cgi/cgi-bin
mv mt-static/* ../
rm -fr mt-static/
mv mt-config.cgi-original mt-config.cgi
vi mt-config.cgi
REMOVE all sections below that refer to databases other than the one you will be using.
mysql: create database mt;
mysql: grant all on mt.* to mt@localhost identified by '********';
vi httpd.conf
chown -R nobody:nobody *

修改 lib/MT/ (可以修改相关文件名防止spam)
访问 mt.cgi 自动调用 mt-upgrade.cgi 完成安装或更新

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Posted by windtear at September 13, 2006 10:13 PM

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