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May 29, 2006
mysql HEAP MEMORY tables 提高行数支持的方法
版权声明:可以任意转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明。 https://windtear.net/archives/2006/05/29/000994.html http://windtear.net/archives/2006/05/29/000994.html mysql HEAP MEMORY tables 提高行数支持的方法 别人问到的 记一下 mysql MEMORY tables 如果目前支持的行数到上限还不够用 可以把 my.cnf 配置里面 max_heap_table_size = 256M 改大 设置 MAX_ROWS 在跑着 可以 ALTER TABLE tbl_name MAX_ROWS= MAX_ROWS 依赖于 max_heap_table_size 设置 相关帮助: max_heap_table_size This variable sets the maximum size to which MEMORY tables are allowed to grow. The value of the variable is used to calculate MEMORY table MAX_ROWS values. Setting this variable has no effect on any existing MEMORY table, unless the table is re-created with a statement such as CREATE TABLE or altered with ALTER TABLE or TRUNCATE TABLE. The MEMORY (HEAP) Storage Engine MEMORY tables are never converted to disk tables. To ensure that you don't accidentally do anything foolish, you can set the max_heap_table_size system variable to impose a maximum size on MEMORY tables. For individual tables, you can also specify a MAX_ROWS table option in the CREATE TABLE statement. |
Posted by windtear at May 29, 2006 11:47 PM