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March 26, 2006

体验 Microsoft AJAX 升级至 Windows Live Mail


体验 Microsoft AJAX  升级至 Windows Live Mail

AJAX 比较火,微软也推了无刷新技术的Windows Live Mail
作为潮流用户 于是也就赶时髦用了
(本blog前面曾提到过AJAX一词 1 2)

2005-11-21 微软推邮件系统 Windows Live Custom Domains 2M
2006-01-12 有人跟hotmail客服申诉了4天 开始他们都不知道有customs domain的存在
2006-01-13 改Location 升到25M
2006-03-02 变250M
2006-03-02 发邀请 Windows Live Email Beta
2006-03-23 变化的 据说是2G

Windows Live Mail 支持四种排序:日期、发件人、主题、大小
可以直接查找 移动

另外当时想试试别的选项 还遇到了404 Object Not Found

OK, that's it!

You don't have to do anything else--you'll soon be in. Within the next two
weeks, you will experience Windows Live Mail beta when you log into your
existing Hotmail account.

You can opt out anytime. In the Windows Live Mail beta interface, go to
"Options" and click “Beta opt out.”
Because this is a beta (geekspeak for “not finished yet”), you may have brief
outages, but don’t worry, your e-mail and settings will still be there.

Click this button to go to your e-mail account

一个Windows Live Custom Domains 微软会送给40个Windows Live Email邀请

Windows Live Email Beta!
The Windows Live Mail Beta is an all-new Web mail, built from the ground up.
Preview your e-mail without loading a new page each time (like Outlook?), drag
and drop messages into folders, and receive a 2GB inbox!

You get 40 free invites for your domain!

1 of 40 invites have been sent for this domain.

Note: You may send multiple invites to a single user... but each time you click
to send an invite it counts as one of your invites. Please click only once per
user name to utilize your invites most effectively.
本blog WWW

Posted by windtear at March 26, 2006 12:15 AM

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