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February 4, 2006
Resource Hacker 资源编辑/导出工具
版权声明:可以任意转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明。 https://windtear.net/archives/2006/02/04/000905.html http://windtear.net/archives/2006/02/04/000905.html Resource Hacker 资源编辑/导出工具 1. resourcehacker free ware 2. exescope 20$ 3. EZ Extract Resource 1.89 4. TC 的 Plugin ResExtract.wcx 还看到其他的 有25$的 1. resourcehacker free ware http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/ http://delphi.icm.edu.pl/ftp/tools/ResHack.zip 24 March 2002 (Version 3.4.0) ---------------------------------------------- Resource Hacker - Version 3.4.0 24 march 2002. Copyright 1999-2002 Angus Johnson http://rpi.net.au/~ajohnson/resourcehacker email: ajohnson@rpi.net.au FREEWARE utility to view, modify, add, rename and delete resources in Win32 executables and resource files. Incorporates an internal resource compiler and decompiler. Works on Win9x, WinNT, Win2000 and WinXP. ---------------------------------------------- Summary: ---------------------------------------------- Resource Hacker has been designed to: 1. View resources in Win32 executable files (*.exe, *.dll, *.cpl, *.ocx) and in Win32 resource files (*.res) in both their compiled and decompiled formats. 2. Extract (save) resources to file in: *.res format; as a binary; or as decompiled resource scripts or images. Icons, bitmaps, cursors, menus, dialogs, string tables, message tables, accelerators, Borland forms and version info resources can be fully decompiled into their respective formats, whether as image files or *.rc text files. 3. Modify (rename or replace) resources in executables. Image resources (icons, cursors and bitmaps) can be replaced with an image from a corresponding image file (*.ico, *.cur, *.bmp), a *.res file or even another *.exe file. Dialogs, menus, stringtables, accelerators and messagetable resource scripts (and also Borland forms) can be edited and recompiled using the internal resource script editor. Resources can also be replaced with resources from a *.res file as long as the replacement resource is of the same type and has the same name. 4. Add new resources to executables. Enable a program to support multiple languages, or add a custom icon or bitmap (company logo etc) to a program's dialog. 5. Delete resources. Most compilers add resources into applications which are never used by the application. Removing these unused resources can reduce an application's size. 2. exescope 20$ 这个名气应该最大 很早在新软就经常提到 http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA003525/eXeSc641.zip 3. EZ Extract Resource 1.89 搜 exescope 时看到的 log纪念一下 Download_ExtraResSetup.exe 然后通过Download_ExtraResSetup.exe可以下载到ExtraResSetup.exe (555940 bytes) 4. TC/TotalCommander 的 Plugin ResExtract.wcx http://www.totalcmd.net/plugring/resextract.html http://wincmd.ru/files/wcx_resextract_1.1.1c.rar ResExtract.wcx 2004/02/20 15:15:44 ____________________________________ RESOURCE EXTRACTOR PLUGIN Version 1.1.1 ____________________________________ FEATURES ____________________________________ - Decompilation of 32-bit PE executables (EXE SCR) and libraries (DLL OCX CPL BPL), resource files (RES DCR). - Automatic detection of 32-bit executables and libraries by format. Resource files are detected only by extension. - Resources with primary language are placed in both resource directory and resource type directory. "Primary" means the following: plugin searches for resource that better fits keyboard layouts. - Resources can be deleted either internally (fast, but not safe; file may be damaged) or using Resource Hacker (you can get it from http://www.users.on.net/johnson/resourcehacker/). Backup copy with name "filename.ext.!!!" is created. - Supports almost all standard resources. Styles for common controls can be decompiled as named constants. - Decompilation process is fully customizable. Options can be stored either in the regsitry or in the ini-file (see below). - Sometimes plugin behaves not trivially (even I sometimes didn't expect the result), so even advanced users should read ReadMe file. |
Posted by windtear at February 4, 2006 11:58 PM