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November 8, 2005
Symantec Ghost Solution Suite - 企业级系统部署解决方案
版权声明:可以任意转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明。 https://windtear.net/archives/2005/11/08/000820.html http://windtear.net/archives/2005/11/08/000820.html Symantec Ghost™ Solution Suite - 企业级系统部署解决方案 年初写新年新系统 曾提到过ghostcast ( ghostcast 服务器 选择gho文件 设定分区 接受客户端 客户端覆盖分区 服务器发送 两分钟不到 新系统搞定 ) 这里再提一下 Symantec Ghost™ Solution Suite 也是正好看到 EcHoS 发布 SYMANTEC.GHOST.SOLUTION.SUITE.v1.0-EcHoS 就想起来提一下这个伟大的企业级系统部署解决方案 Symantec Ghost™ Solution Suite is the industry's most widely-used enterprise imaging and deployment solution with ease-of-use for managing the entire PC lifecycle including OS deployment, software distribution, PC migration and retirement. It reduces IT costs by streamlining networked desktop and laptop management in an enterprise environment. Administrators can now choose to create and deploy entire operating systems, application packages, user "personalities," security "hot fixes" using either file- or sector-based imaging technology. Additionally a unique file preservation capability preserves the Client Staging Area's contents during a restore, thereby maintaining a local backup and recovery image for an original state recovery. With the Ghost Client installed, there's no need to visit the target PC in order to conduct routine deployment or maintenance. Centralized and remote management, a Client Staging Area, local cloning support, and multicast file transfer enable fast and easy PC management. From the Symantec Ghost™ central management console, IT managers can quickly deploy whole application packages or specific PC changes such as registry changes or desktop settings. Even Symantec DeployCenter images can be deployed through the Symantec Ghost console. Additionally, users can remotely clone multiple workstations and then quickly configure critical workstation data such as TCP/IP settings and machine, workgroup, and domain names. Symantec Ghost provides a secure software solution that empowers IT administrators to migrate operating system and application settings, and user data quickly and cost-effectively. A 32-bit version of Ghost for Microsoft® Windows® Preinstallation Environment (WinPE) allows administrators to create image files on hard drives that are accessible via WinPE through a variety of methods, including the GhostCast Server. IT Administrators can also retire PCs by safely erasing the contents of the hard disks and ensuring that confidential files cannot be recovered Key Ghost Solution Suite Features:
Posted by windtear at November 8, 2005 6:52 PM