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November 1, 2005

数据库 Oracle 10g R2 - Sql server 2005 - mysql 5 (01)


数据库 一个好大的领域

Oracle 应该是绝对的领先者
1995年 Oracle 7.3就推出了 standby db 功能
这些无非是为了实现高可用 减少损失的招数

微软 直到 2005 年sql server 2005 才真正支持这一特性

mysql 5 开始支持存储过程(SP)和事务(Transaction)
MySQL 5.0 Now Available for Production Use

MySQL 5.0's Enterprise Database Features

The new MySQL 5.0 combines enterprise-grade reliability and performance with advanced SQL 2003 standard-compliant features, making it the most cost-effective database solution for business-critical applications. The product's new functionality will be especially familiar to database developers and DBAs of proprietary relational database systems -- allowing IT departments to ease the integration and transition of their data, applications and skill-sets.

MySQL 5.0 delivers dozens of new enterprise features, including:

  • Stored Procedures and SQL Functions -- to embed business logic in the database and improve performance;
  • Triggers -- to enforce complex business rules at the database level;
  • Views -- to ensure protection of sensitive information;
  • Cursors -- to allow easier database development and reference of large datasets;
  • Information Schema -- to provide easy access to metadata;
  • XA Distributed Transactions -- supports complex transactions across multiple databases in heterogeneous environments;
  • SQL Mode -- provides server-enforced data integrity for new and existing data;
  • New Federated and Archive Storage Engines -- MySQL's unique pluggable storage engine architecture allows greater flexibility, functionality and performance by making it easy to swap database engines in and out, based on users' application requirements;
  • New Migration Toolkit -- A new graphical toolkit that completely migrates all data and objects from Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access and other database platforms to MySQL;
  • Instance Manager -- new management assistant that allows remote starting/stopping of any MySQL Server, as well as remote editing of configuration files, reading of error and query logs, and more;
  • Updated Connectors and Visual Tools -- new high-performance versions of MySQL's ODBC, Java and .NET database drivers are now available, along with updated versions of the MySQL Query Browser and MySQL Administrator.

"MySQL 5.0 represents a huge leap in features and functionality for the MySQL database," said Gunter Rombauts, European IT manager for Chicago Metallic. "As a worldwide leader in metal ceiling systems, it's critical that our database supports heavy-duty enterprise applications with speed and reliability.  We are looking forward to using MySQL 5.0 as a key component of Chicago Metallic's global IT infrastructure."

MySQL 5.0.15
This is the first production level release of the MySQL 5.0 tree

Oracle 的高可用靠的是Data Guard/Streams, RAC
这些第一次让 Oracle 10g R2 成为真正高可用的数据库
既防止数据丢失、又能高可用  这不就是企业想要的么
也许在相当长一段时间内 大型应用的首选还是Oracle

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Posted by windtear at November 1, 2005 8:13 PM

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