Project RainbowCrack http://www.antsight.com/zsl/rainbowcrack/
疯狂 Crazy
请输入单词: Rainbow rainbow n.彩虹, 五彩缤纷的排列, 幻想, 幻觉, 虚无缥缈的东西 rainbow trout n.[鱼]虹鳟鱼
很早之前接触MD5时就想 这种HASH运算 靠的是发生碰撞的概率小 后来我们的王小云教授带领的团队一次次向世界自豪的宣布找到碰撞方法 想什么呢 做个表 把"所有的"字串穷举得到一个大表 然后再反向的话 匹配就行了 当然 我还没白痴到不知道这要巨大巨大的数据存储 而且那会儿查询效率未必高到哪里去 于是只能是理论上的意淫 或者位数很少时才能进行md5crack
看到这个东东 大家热火朝天的想着把人家表搞下来 发现没有提供下载 就有自己跑着算的 呵呵 bless吧
不过想来 64GB的量几分钟内就可以搞定14位以内大小写字母、数字、特殊字符的任意排列组合的MD5反向 还是很牛的 或者少些特殊字符 24GB就够了 好赞啊
Project RainbowCrack
RainbowCrack is a general propose implementation of Philippe Oechslin's faster time-memory trade-off technique.
In short, the RainbowCrack tool is a hash cracker. A traditional brute
force cracker try all possible plaintexts one by one in cracking time.
It is time consuming to break complex password in this way. The idea of
time-memory trade-off is to do all cracking time computation in advance
and store the result in files so called "rainbow table". It does take a
long time to precompute the tables. But once the one time
precomputation is finished, a time-memory trade-off cracker can be
hundreds of times faster than a brute force cracker, with the help of
precomputed tables.
Some ready to work lanmanager and md5 tables are demonstrated in Rainbow Table
section. One interesting stuff among them is the lm #6 table, with
which we can break any windows password up to 14 characters in a few
The latest version of RainbowCrack is 1.2
download |
platform |
supported charset |
supported algorithm |
windows binary source for windows and linux |
customizable |
lm, md5, sha1, customizable |
windows binary windows source |
customizable |
lm |
windows binary windows source |
alpha and alpha-numeric |
lm |
not recommended |
lm: The LanManager hash algorithm. "lm" table can be used to break windows password.
customizable charset: Charset of rainbow table can be customized as described in documentation.
customizable algorithm: Support of new algorithm can be done with ease,
as described in FAQ. A ready to work algorithm patch supporting NTLM,
MD2, MD4 and RIPEMD160 is here Algorithm patch for RainbowCrack 1.2(3K).
Frequently Asked Questions
RainbowCrack tutorial introduces basic steps to make rainbowcrack tool working.
Large charset configurations for RainbowCrack outlines a lot of tips when generating large rainbow tables, also two new configurations introduced.
If you are going to generate your rainbow tables with custom algorithm and/or custom charset,
the major problem will be how to find out the proper table
parameters(chain length, chain count of each table and table count).
However, this is not a very easy topic, here are some material that can
be useful: - Philippe Oechslin's paper is your best reference for the time-memory trade-off algorithm.
- Parameter optimization of time-memory trade-off cryptanalysis in RainbowCrack. This article includes steps of how configurations in rainbowcrack documents are generated.
- matlab script for rainbowcrack and the patch
can be used to calculate storage requirement, cracking time
performance, success probability and all other parameters of a certain
table set. You need MATLAB to run these scripts.
- Important:
those very large tables are not feasible for personal. If you are going
to generate a set of tables, make sure to calculate the key space
before you start. For example, tables with keyspace 7555858447479 (69^1
+ 69^2 + 69^3 + 69^4 + 69^5 + 69^6 + 69^7) needs several years to
generate on single PC. For larger tables, you are likely need more time
to generate. By the way, the largest key space supported by
rainbowcrack is 2^64 - 1 (18446744073709551615). This limitation is not
important because we will not arrive this.
Rainbow Table
We demonstrate some typical lanmanager(lm) rainbow tables here, all
tables can be used to break windows password of the corresponding
charset up to 14 characters in very short time.
Though no table includes lowercase letters as part of the charset, all
lm tables with uppercase letters can also break windows password with
lowercase letters. The rcrack.exe program in rainbowcrack can do the
work of case correction with the help of ntlm hash if we are processing
the hash file in pwdump format.
lm configuration #0
charset |
keyspace |
8353082582 |
table size |
610 MB |
success probability |
0.9990 |
Demo: crack 5 alpha only windows password in a few seconds |
lm configuration #1
charset |
keyspace |
80603140212 |
table size |
3 GB |
success probability |
0.9904 |
Demo: crack 5 alpha-numeric windows password in a few seconds |
lm configuration #5
charset |
[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*()-_+= ] |
keyspace |
915358891407 (2^39.7) |
table size |
24 GB |
success probability |
0.99909 |
This table set is capable of cracking windows password(up to 14
characters) of charset
" in a few minutes, with the success rate 99.91%.
Demo: crack of following windows password:
z %G)r*EW&2nk#
(zw= ijV$i*vEX
the screen output, the windows media 9 video.
Table generation: this table set can be generated with rtgen utility of rainbowcrack 1.2 software(table generation commands).
lm configuration #6
charset |
[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*()-_+=~`[]{}|\:;"'<>,.?/ ] |
keyspace |
7555858447479 (2^42.8) |
table size |
64 GB |
success probability |
0.999 |
This table set is capable of cracking windows password(up to 14
characters) of charset
" in a few minutes, with the success rate 99.9%.
This charset includes all possbile characters on a standard keyboard
(not including those alt+xxx characters). So this table set is likely
to crack any windows password up 14 characters in minutes.
It will take several years if we compute these tables on single
computer. However, the actual time is reduced to a few months with a
lot of computers to work parallelly.
Demo: crack of following windows password:
D2@,:H?+e5#: $
the screen output, the windows media 9 video.
Demo: crack of 100 windows password:
the screen output
Table generation: this table set can be generated with rtgen utility of rainbowcrack 1.2 software(table generation commands).
md5 configuration loweralpha-numeric,1-8
charset |
[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789] |
keyspace |
2901713047668 |
table size |
36 GB |
success probability |
0.99904 |
Demo: crack 10 md5 hash in 35 minutes
Table generation: this table set can be generated with rtgen utility of rainbowcrack 1.2 software(table generation commands).
btw: 今日个人的大事 历经665天戒网的 CrazyKid 疯狂小子同学终于是用户了 嗯 2003-07-15 665 时光匆匆而逝 sigh
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标 题: 我是用户了!
发信站: 水木社区 (Tue May 10 18:43:07 2005), 站内
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