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March 14, 2005

ilo version 1.70 A & 有人做了 Solaris 10 的安装和桌面全程截图


据说 iLO 1.70 ssh连接多了 一些选单
看了看原来是 CLP



还有 script 接口 嗯


ilo version 1.70 A   (16 Feb 05)


Solaris 10 Installation and Desktop Walkthrough
(Mon Mar 14 11:27:59 2005)

Solaris 10 Installation and Desktop Walkthrough
Operating Systems
Sun Microsystems
Posted by timothy on Sunday March 13, @09:08PM
from the drag-out-your-grudges-and-polish-them dept.
linuxbeta writes "On OSDir they've got a whole whack of screenshots of Sun's Solaris 10 from the first boot screen, through an x86 installation, and through either a Java Desktop System 3 or CDE (Common Desktop Environment) 1.6 desktop. It's nice to have a look at Java Desktop System 3 while it's not even available for Linux (yet). I dunno... looks like Linux to me. I know about the licensing issues with Solaris 10, but I think they've got something going on here."

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Posted by windtear at March 14, 2005 6:38 PM

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