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September 20, 2004
nagat - nagios administrator tools
版权声明:可以任意转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明。 https://windtear.net/archives/2004/09/20/000442.html http://windtear.net/archives/2004/09/20/000442.html nagat 的贡献在于提供www接口管理nagios的配置 在 sourceforge 的主页为 http://nagat.sourceforge.net http://sourceforge.net/projects/nagat 2002年后的更新都转向了 gna.org https://gna.org/projects/nagat Nagat stands for Nagios Administration Toolkit. It aims to be a complete easy to use tool for configuring Nagois (www.nagios.org). Nagat is written in PHP and consequently needs Apache. No special modules are needed for storing data since it is written as serialized data. A plugin system will in the future allow to save the configuration to databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL. License : GNU General Public License V2 or later Registration Date : Sun 02/15/2004 at 01:51 Development Status : 4 - Beta https://gna.org/cvs/?group=nagat http://cvs.gna.org/viewcvs/nagat/ Anonymous CVS Access This project's CVS repository can be checked out through anonymous (pserver) CVS with the following instruction set. The module you wish to check out must be specified as the modulename. When prompted for a password for anoncvs, simply press the Enter key. Sourcecode repository : cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.gna.org:/cvs/nagat co nagat-php nagat 的配置很简单 local.inc (config.inc.php) 设置好相应的路径和文件目录权限即可 操作流程为: 首先import导入现有配置 然后web修改保存 最后export导出 nagios进程重读配置生效 遗憾的是 很多地方都有一些问题 不过总算是一个框架 无论什么时候都要记住 从头再来总是不容易的 很多年前 我老说 做到了就是最成功的 很多看起来很容易的东西真正做起来并不是你想象的那么简单 nagat nagat-php nawui 可以作为一个参考 或者一个起航的码头 祝航行顺利 |
Posted by windtear at September 20, 2004 11:52 PM