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May 30, 2004
windtear.tk smth.tk
版权声明:可以任意转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明。 https://windtear.net/archives/2004/05/30/000339.html fireseed 在 .tk免费域名 给出了 *.tk 域名注册页面 当时顺手就注了 windtear.tk 把 smth.tk 和 tsinghua.tk 也注了 他是通过 frame 设置 src 实现的 比较不够大度 原比俺家 *.ipchina.org 小气 不过对需要转向 或者记忆短小域名倒确是方便 傻瓜策略吧 呵呵 -----> frame 参考 <html> <head> <script language = "JavaScript"> </head> <frameset onLoad="JavaScript:popup()" rows="*,1" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="NO"> <noframes> </html> -----> email激活信 发件人: "Dot TK registration center" <support@dot.tk> 存入地址本 加入过滤器 来信内容:
Your e-mail address : windtear@ipcn.org confirmation code: TK2?????1 As you know we like to keep things simple, so all you need 1. Go to http://my.dot.tk/cgi-bin/confirm.taloha?tk=4?????9 2. Enter your confirmation code If you have received this email, but did not join us @ Dot TK, In thase case, you can simply ignore this message... But why not come on in, Any questions? Please visit our feedback page at Dot TK -- Dividing Domains Differently. |
Posted by windtear at May 30, 2004 12:43 AM