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May 13, 2004
超强的 Xlight FTP Server - 小巧强悍 - 夸张的强
版权声明:可以任意转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明。 https://windtear.net/archives/2004/05/13/000335.html 研究了三个多小时 发信人: windtear (论文), 信区: NewSoftware
大小 xlight alllll 276K 功能 配置由6个小文件组成 灵活强大 发信人: windtear (论文), 信区: NewSoftware
连注册都没写 多么专业的IT工程师啊 【 在 lowy (飞影-Purpose....) 的大作中提到: 】 发信人: windtear (论文), 信区: NewSoftware 我批阅一下 【 在 neverbw (HDS722512VLAT20) 的大作中提到: 】 : 太神奇了 : 以前用ServU的时候,10user 总流量1.5M左右时,打CS当画面切换很快或者人 Xlight ftp server is a powerful ftp server with very small program size. Using its own unique algorithm, it could handle more users than other windows ftp servers. Besides its high performance, xlight ftp server also has a lot of unique features. Powerful access control rules to hide/show files and deny/allow user actions. Support seperate virtual path spaces for user, group and server. Server and user level bandwidth control and could schedule server bandwidth by time period. Support implicit and explicit SSL encryption for file transfer and connections. Can configure ftp commands execution speed of each user for better protection of ftp server from DoS attack. Can automatically detect WAN IP address change when using ftp server behind firewall or NAT. Go to feature page for detailed lists of features. http://www.xlightftpd.com/feature.htm Xlight ftp server is able to run in Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Server 2003. It has the following main features: High performance ftp server support multiple virtual servers with algorithm to reduce ftp server CPU and memory consumption. Here to see screen shots. Powerful access control rules. Can hide/show files or directories by wildcards filename defination, username, user IP, time range. Can define user's ftp action permission on files or directories by wildcards filename defination, username, group, IP, time range. Here to see screen shots. Click here to understand what is access rule. Support separated three level virtual pathes for user, group and public. Each user will not see other users' virtual path. Here to see screen shots. Server total bandwidth control and can define scheduled total bandwidth by time period. Here to see screen shots. Can automatically detect WAN IP and its change when ftp server is behind NAT/firewall, which could work on all window operating system and doesn't require router to support UPnP. Here to see screen shots. Support for Implicit and Explicit SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) connection and file transfer. Support ODBC connections to external user database. Can configure ftp commands execution speed of each user for better protection of ftp server from DoS attack. Auto Block IP for anti-hammer or malicious behaviors of user. Easy to setup and run ftp server as system service. Remote admin abilities, with over 20 SITE commands for handy management server from remote. Can start and stop each virtual server from remote. Detailed server and user status. Here to see screen shots. Users download/upload speed limit. Can define maximum connections by IP, username, or group. Seperate welcome message file for each virtual server. Deny or allow user access to ftp server accroding to IP address(support IP and netmask). FTP server SFV check option for upload files. Can log ftp sessions by IP, time range, username, groupname, user IP address. |
Posted by windtear at May 13, 2004 3:06 AM