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March 30, 2004
Linux 下命令行 反病毒软件 antivirus @ linux
去年写的 原文转发 顺便给出一个 sh 脚本
-----> 发信人: windtear (Are You Happy?!), 信区: Linux 标 题: Linux 下命令行 反病毒软件 发信站: ****BBS (2003年06月11日18:09:39 星期三), 站内信件
./Sophos.Antivirus.V3.69.Multilanguage.LINUX-BLiZZARD.tar.bz2 这个能用 添加一个 sweep 用户 % sweep /path/ 比如 % sweep -remove /path/ 会发现病毒删除相应文件 % sweep -di /path/ 是杀毒 不过不行:(
还有服务端 icheckd
./McAfee.VirusScan.Command.Line.v4.24.Linux-TBE.tar.bz2 这个不行 提示过期 5 个月 ft uvscan 目录提供各卸载脚本
./F-Secure.Antivirus.for.Gateways.v4.50.Linux.Regged-EiTheL.tar.bz2 这个可以运行 不过好像没效果 hoho 最新的病毒库了 fsavd fsav fsav 会自动起来 fsavd daemon 可以在线升级病毒库 参数配置也挺丰富 本来感觉最好的 可是杀毒 他啥也发现不了 所以他不行
./F-Secure.Antivirus.4.50.Linux.Regged-EiTheL.tar.bz2 这个没试 分两个版本 ft Workstations Servers
另外 2003-05-25 Sophos.Antivirus.V3.70.Multilanguage.LINUX-SUBSTANCE
-----> sweep */10 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 * * * av.sh
#!/bin/sh # MYDIR=/datacenter/datacenter
[[ $(find $MYDIR -type d -mmin -10| wc -l) -gt 0 ]] && /usr/local/bin/sweep -nc -remove $MYDIR
SWEEP virus detection utility Version 3.70, June 2003 [Linux/Intel] Includes detection for 82052 viruses, trojans and worms Copyright (c) 1989,2003 Sophos Plc, www.sophos.com
System time 11:20:07, System date 26 March 2004 Command line qualifiers are: -nc -remove
Useful life of SWEEP has been exceeded
Quick Sweeping
>>> Virus 'W32/Lovgate-E' found in file /datacenter/datacenter/incoming/Are you looking for Love.doc.exe Removal successful ......
1887 files swept in 1 minute and 19 seconds. 1 error was encountered. 198 viruses were discovered. 198 files out of 1887 were infected. Please send infected samples to Sophos for analysis. For advice consult www.sophos.com, email support@sophos.com or telephone +44 1235 559933 End of Sweep.
-----> no use ! - fsav crontab # F-Secure Anti-Virus automatic database update #25 * * * * root /opt/f-secure/fsav/bin/dbupdate
# F-Secure Anti-Virus automatic virus scan #0 * * * * root /opt/f-secure/fsav/bin/fsav /datacenter/datacenter/
Posted by windtear at March 30, 2004 5:29 PM