点击下载HoeKeyA12b4.zip http://bcheck.arsware.org/hoe.php http://bcheck.arsware.org/HoeKeyA12b4.zip http://bcheck.arsware.org/HoeKeyA12b4Inst.exe http://bcheck.arsware.org/hoekey.htm 下午看到网友推荐试了试 太强大了 惊呆 发信人: Machael (Special Striving For), 信区: NewSoftware 标 题: 顶力推荐:超级好用,超级强大的热键软件 发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Thu Apr 29 14:41:07 2004), 站内 前言: 它小巧(13k),但是功能强大 它绿色,却又完全免费, 它可以把M$留给我们的一点点应用接口,运用得出神入化,调制出一键走天下的超级设置 它究竟是神仙的化身?还是地狱的使者?没人知道,但是可以肯定,每个人都给他一个称号───Hoe~Key!. 看看我用它热键设置的功能吧: win+F12: TC,win+F11: FlashFXP, win+F10: MyIE,win+N: Notepad,win+end: 缩小当前窗口到托盘中,win+home: 恢复最后一个隐藏的窗口, win+Y: 显示当前窗口可以Copy的文字,win+S: cmd.exe并进入当前目录,win+~: 关闭显示器, win+K: 杀掉当前进程,win+up: 最大化当前窗口,win+down: 恢复当前窗口..... 打包中的hoekey.ini是我设置的,一般人应用够了,如果觉得不够爽可以恢复缺省带的ini 更多更高级的功能设置需要看帮助了,不看不知道,实在是强.推荐推荐再推荐! -----> hoekey.ini ; HoeKey config - example from a12b4 ; ; key modifiers: ; ~=windows, _=shift, ^=ctrl, @=alt ; ; some general good stuff -=Rem|-- General -- ~Q=Config ~end=Hide||1 ; win+end: hide current window ~_end=Hide||2 ; win+end: hide current window ~home=Unhide ; win+home: show last hidden window ~Y=Editify ; show text from window for copy ~N=Run|notepad.exe ; Notepad ~_S=Run|cmd.exe|||%c ; Command shell in curdir ~S=Run|cmd.exe ; Command shell ;_^R=RunDialog|%c ~_E=Run|explorer.exe %c ; explorer in current directory ~4=Transparency ; set current window to be transparent and on top =AlwaysOnTop ~`=Run|rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation ; win+tick: lock workstation _~`=Run|rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState ; win+tilde: suspend / hibernate ~^`=Wait|1000 ; turn monitor off =Msg|Progman|274|61808|2 _^E=Keys|\a\0\1\2\8\A ; euro symbol ~_^@K=Kill ;~up=Msg||274|61488 ; win+up: maximize current window ;~down=Msg||274|61728 ; win+down: restore current window ~page down=Msg||274|61472 ; win+pgdn: minimize current window -=Rem|-- WWW stuff -- ~I=Input|Google search:|Moz tacular||%s ; Prompted Google =Run|"http://www.google.com/search?q=%u" ~1=Run|http://translate.google.com/translate_t?langpair=en|fr&text=%s ; xlate selection english->french ;~2=Run|http://translate.google.com/translate_t?langpair=fr|en&text=%s ; xlate selection french->english ~G=Run|http://www.google.com/search?q=%s ; search google for selection _~G=Run|http://www.google.com/search?btnI=I'm+Feeling+Lucky&q=%s ; lucky google search selection ~3=Run|http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=%s ; look up selection in dictionary ~_3=Input|Look up word:|Dictionary.com||%u ; prompted dictionary lookup =Run|http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=%u -=Rem|-- Sound -- _~1=Volume||0 ; volume: 0% _~2=Volume||10 ; volume: 10% _~4=Volume||30 ; volume: 30% _~5=Volume||42 ; volume: 42% _~6=Volume||57 ; volume: 57% _~7=Volume||70 ; volume: 70% _~8=Volume||80 ; volume: 80% _~9=Volume||90 ; volume: 90% _~0=Volume||100 ; volume: 100% ~up=Msg|Progman|793|0|655360 ; win+up: vol up ~down=Msg|Progman|793|0|589824 ; win+down: vol down ; Winamp keys -=Rem|-- Winamp -- ~W=Run|c:\program files\Winamp5\winamp.exe ; Winamp: start/activate ~Z=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40044 ; Winamp: prev =Msg|WMPlayerApp|793|0|786432 ; WMP - prev ~X=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40045 ; Winamp: play =Msg|WMPlayerApp|793|0|851968 ; WMP - Stop ~C=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40046 ; Winamp: pause =Msg|WMPlayerApp|793|0|917504 ; WMP - Pause ~V=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40048 ; Winamp: next =Msg|WMPlayerApp|793|0|720896 ; WMP - next 177=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40044 ; Winamp: prev 178=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40047 ; Winamp: stop 176=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40048 ; Winamp: next 179=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40046 ; Winamp: pause =Msg|Winamp v1.x|1024|0|104|0 ; see if playing =Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40045 ; stopped, so push play ; * win+V rather than win+B as WinXP explorer uses win+B to focus systray ~A=FocusMsg|Winamp v1.x|273|40188 ; Winamp: about current song ~J=FocusMsg|Winamp v1.x|273|40194 ; Winamp: jump to song ~7=FocusMsg|Winamp v1.x|273|23123 ; Winamp 2.9+: Show media library
-=Rem|-- Nonsense -- ~^E=Kill|progman ; restart explorer =Run|explorer.exe ~f2=Eject|f ; eject d: cd rom ~f3=Msg|0|274|61760 ; start screensaver ~f4=Apps ; show list of hidden apps ; ; More Examples: ; ; Show current window title and classname ~9=MsgBox|Window Title:[%t] -- Classname:[%l] ; Disable hotkeys, run notepad, re-enable hotkeys ;~9=Enable ;=Run|notepad.exe||1 ;=Enable|1 ; Move current window to left side of 1024x768 screen: ; ~9=Move||0|0|512|-30 ; Move current window to right side of 1024x768 screen: ; ~^9=Move|||512|0|512|-30 ; Center current window: ; ~6=Keys|\c\p\Cu ;Center ; Popup start menu, choose programs ; ~8=Keys|\wp\W ; Use different program for config of HoeKey (automatically disables hotkeys during config): ;config=Run|notepad %i||1 ; Show icon in system tray for HoeKey, double click to bring up hoekey config ;load=trayicon|1 ; You can override explorer hotkeys (win+B, win+D, win+E, win+F, win+R, win+L, win+M, win+U) ; for winxp: use regkey: ; [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] ; "NoWinKeys"=dword:00000001 ; for win95/98/me? you can stop explorer, reload hoekey config, restart explorer ;~E=Run|explorer.exe ;~R=RunDialog ;~M=Msg|Shell_TrayWnd|273|419 ;load=MsgBox|Hoekey started :)|Hoe-tastic|2000 ; include another settings file: ;load=Reload|include.hki|1 ; show add/remove programs dialog: ; ^@~X=Run|Rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl ; ~0=show|ET WinConsole ; Show hidden Enemy Territory console ; Custom window tabbing: stack adds to stack, unstack removes, cycle tabs between stacked apps ;@2=stack ;@3=unstack ;@4=cycle ~t=run|C:\Program Files\DScaler\DScaler.exe ;=Run|notepad.exe "%c\%u.txt" ^_F=Run|wscript.exe CreateFolder.vbs "%c" ;^12=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40040 ;playlist window toggle ;^101=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40040 ;playlist window toggle ;~@44=MsgBox|You hit the win-alt-printscreen key! ;19=Run|Rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL ;~5=Keys| \a\0\5\9\A ; ;~5=Run|putty @gateway ;~5=FocusMsg|Shell_TrayWnd ;=Keys|\w\W\ztq ;=Show|Shell_TrayWnd|0 ;~5=run|cmd.exe /c "dir&pause"